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Abstract Submission Information:

to view the Call for Abstracts | Submission Guidelines
 CLICK HERE to view the STEP-BY-STEP Guide for Submitting Online
 Abstract Submission NOW CLOSED

 Monday, 18 March 2024: Deadline for abstract submissions
 Tuesday, 30 April 2024: Feedback in terms of whether your submission has been accepted for inclusion in the 2024 Congress programme
 Monday, 6 May 2024: Accepted abstract submitters are to register online by this date
 Monday, 3 June 2024: Accepted abstract submitters registration payment due by this date


Food and nutrition in a changing society

This category includes topics around - food security, food justice, advocacy, food sovereignty, social protection, food access, food systems, food environment and food literacy.

Nutrition research methodologies

This category includes topics around - nutrition research methodologies such as dietary assessment, clinical trials, epidemiological studies, crosssectional surveys, intervention studies, systematic reviews, and qualitative research.

Food and nutrition technologies

This category includes topics around - food product innovation, indigenous foods, product reformulation, food technology advancements, AI and digital technologies in food and nutrition.

Nutrition in the prevention, management and treatment of disease

This category includes, but are not limited to, 'disease-oriented’ sub-themes, including severe acute malnutrition, diabetes, nutrition in critical care, weight management and obesity, non-communicable diseases, lifestyle modification, dietary patterns and disease prevention, nutrient-specific interventions, and public health interventions.

Professional practice towards excellence in nutrition

This category includes topics around - the new professional, professional ethics, practice guidelines, continuous learning and education, interdisciplinary collaboration, leadership and management.

