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Workshop Information:


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 ACT for youth: Core principles and processes  Thursday, 7 March 2024 | 08:30 – 12:30 | VENUE: Magnifica 2
Facilitators: Dr David Rosenstein, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (South Africa) | Mr Hannes Wessels, Private Practice (South Africa)

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a third wave process based behavioural therapy for the treatment of a number of mental health disorders in childhood and adolescents. It has become one of the largest and most evidence based psychological therapies. This workshop aims to provide an overview of the important theoretical foundations of ACT and a few of the core practical applications for childhood and adolescent therapy.

 Fostering Resilience: Collaborative Approaches to Supporting Children in Extreme Distress (contemplating or attempting suicide) Thursday, 7 March 2024 | 13:00 – 16:30 | VENUE: Magnifica 2
Facilitators: Dr Jean-Pierre Hartmann, Department of Health & Wellness  - Primary Care (South Africa) | Dr Rene Nassen, Stellenbosch University (South Africa)

The session aims to enhance a team-based approach in aiding children facing extreme distress, particularly those contemplating or attempting suicide. The workshop will establish a shared language to differentiate between suicide and deliberate self-harm, emphasizing the crucial risk assessment process. Additionally, it will explore the impact of adverse childhood experiences on distress, offering intervention ideas. A straightforward, practical, and valid risk assessment framework will be presented. For the predominant group of presentations involving low and medium risk, a concise 20-minute Safety Planning Intervention will be taught. The workshop will highlight the central role of collaboration with parents and the importance of psychoeducating them. Furthermore, it will discuss the pivotal contribution of school-based programs, such as emotion regulation groups for learners, and psychological first aid and mental health literacy for staff. Particular attention will be given to how the above strategies can be effectively implemented by a multidisciplinary team within the child's environment. Stakeholders, including counselors (faith and school), social workers, educational psychologists, teachers, sports coaches, as well as frontline General Practitioners in emergency settings and CAMHS specialists such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and pediatricians, will be addressed.

 Demystifying Sensory Integration in Neurodiversity (SAISI)  Thursday, 7 March 2024 | 08:30 – 12:30 | VENUE: Magnifica 3
Facilitators: Ms Gina Rencken, University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) | Ms Ray-Anne Cook, Private Practice (South Africa)

Participants will explore sensory integration and its outcomes in neurodiverse older children and adolescents. Participants will gain insight and understanding into the difference between Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI) and other sensory-based approaches including sensory strategies. Practical solutions, experiential learning and case-based discussions will be included, with participants leaving with a nuanced understanding of the application of Ayres Sensory Integration to populations they serve. Prior to attending this workshops, participants will also receive free access to an online 4 hour asynchronous workshop, “Introduction to Ayres Sensory Integration” sponsored by SAISI. Completion of this online workshop is strongly recommended prior to attending the in-person workshop

 Early Career Researchers - Thursday, 7 March 2024  08:30 – 17:00 | VENUE: Magnifica 1 - Applicants Only - CLICK HERE to view Application Information
Facilitators:  Dr Marisa Viljoen, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

